’OUR STORIES’ by Alejandra Borzyk - Léa Ciechelski & Camila Nebbia

“OUR STORIES” is a series of interviews hosted by saxophonist Alejandra Borzyk, featuring conversations with musicians (instrumentalists, producers, DJs, composers) and music industry professionals (managers, bookers, programmers). Through the questions, the guests are invited to share insights into their creative processes, artistic practices, views on the industry, and personal experiences. These dialogues allow the audience to get an insight on the mechanics of the music industry, its functionings and dysfunctionings, how it reproduces larger societal problems ; while fostering reflection on the broader meaning of music and the musician’s role. Some key words for this first edition are : saxophone, extended technique, free improvisation, underground music, definitions of success, tour, sexual freedom, identity. The interview is followed by a small exchange with the audience and a workshop by the guests. This edition being hosted by Jazz Station, the interview will be followed by the Sunday jam session.

 Guests for this edition :

Léa Ciechelski - alto saxophone
Camila Nebbia - tenor saxophone

 Schedule :

15h - Interview
16h - Exchange with the audience
16h30 - Break
17h - Workshop
17h45 - Break
18h - Jam session opening concert w/

Léa Ciechelski - alto saxophone
Camila Nebbia - ténor saxophone
Lara Humbert - piano
Fil Caporali - doublebass
Samuel Ber - drums

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