Trio Grande

Michel Debrulle · drums, percussie / Laurent Dehors · tenor- en sopraansaxofoon, klarinetten, blokfluit, doedelzakken, mondharmonica / Michel Massot · euphonium, sousafoon, trombone

Trio Grande. This is a trio that exudes “grand”. Big spaces, big minds, big ideas.

With the help of drums, percussion, a tenor, a bagpipe, a flute, a trombone or even a euphonium, Trio Grande shoots in every direction. Here, we prohibit nothing except the lack of ideas. And the group has no shortage of them. If their latest album is called “Impertinence”, it is not by chance. So, in jazz, brass band, folklore or funky blues mode, our three artists will shake you up and make you stir your emotions as much as your flesh. With them, we dance, we laugh, we sing and we also move.

15€ ·10€ members, students, job seekers · 9€ KCB/CRB students / ULB Culture card
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.