Rahona ft. Manuel Hermia

Julien Marga, Joel Rabesolo · guitar / Manuel Hermia · tenor sax / Nicolas Puma · double bass / Lucas Vanderputten · drums

At the origin of Rahona (clouds in Malagasy), there is the meeting between two guitarists with roots as different as they are complementary, Joël Rabesolo (Madagascar) and Julien Marga (France). The immediate understanding between the two guitarists and their desire to create a project with an unusual geometry, a quartet with two guitars, let a strong sound identity emerge, which will be the cornerstone of Rahona. The compositions reveal the facets of each musician: from African music to contemporary jazz via film music, Rahona plays with her influences throughout an album poetic, brilliantly lit by the melodic phrases of saxophonist Manuel Hermia.

12€ / 9€ members, students, job seekers. Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office

  • Jazz Station
  • Saturday 18 February 2023 from 18:00 to 20:00