David Linx ‘On Shoulders We Stand’
CD release
David Linx - voice / Guillaume de Chassy - piano / Matteo Pastorino - clarinets
“We don’t invent anything completely; we stand on the shoulders of the great creators who have gone before us or those we are in contact with today: musicians, painters, writers... These giants support and inspire us every day. Some classical composers seem to us like faithful friends. In their pieces for piano, the obviousness of the melody often calls for singing. So we made transcriptions for the voice, which David put into his own words. He evokes the quest for self and his relationship to the world today. The music we play is sometimes written, sometimes improvised: we straddle borders with glee. We have tried not to simplify what is complicated and not to complicate what is simple. Just as rivers change beds, worlds meet and horizons shift.”
15€ · 12€ members, students, job seekers.
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.
- Bxl sur ScènesJazz Station
- Friday 11 November 2022 from 20:30 to 22:30