Marc Frankinet Quartet

Marc Frankinet · trumpet, flugelhorn / Jacques Pirotton · guitar/ Benoit Vanderstraeten · bass / Antoine Cirri · drums

Trumpeter Marc Frankinet gathered musicians from Liège to revisit postwar compositions by Liégeois jazz people. This had led to the album “In a little provincial town” with pieces by Jacques Pelzer and Benoit Quersin, Bobby Jaspar, René Thomas, Garrett List, Robert Jeanne, Robert Grahame, José Bedeur, Léo Fléchet, Serge Ghazarian and Bernadette Mottard. 100% Liégeois music played by Liégeois! Marc’s trumpet and bugle meet the curves of Benoît Vanderstraeten’s electric bass, the warm sound of Jacques Pirotton’s guitar, with the support of Antoine Cirri’s colored drums. A band, and its ripe atmosphere, to discover at all costs!

15€ · 10€ JS members, students, job seekers · 9€ CRB/KCB students · 8€ Les Lundis d’Hortense members
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office