Carte Blanche à Hervé Samb

Hervé Samb · guitar, vocals / Nicolas Kummert · saxophone / Badi · vocals

On the banks of a refined and intimate album, the artist Hervé Samb offers us with ‘Benn’ a meditation on meaning, nature, time, the unity of the human race, the beauty, the necessity and the power of our elk. His mantra is a guitar with refined melodic lines which sets out alone to attack the world and its depths; and draws the promises of a clear dawn.
‘Benn’ is an invitation to a weightless climb in ten stations where the pilgrim, on the path of the rising daylight, surveys the sound material. Ultimately, the assurance of the experience of full presence.

15€ · 10€ members, students, job seekers · 9€ KCB/CRB students / ULB Culture card
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.