Alain Pierre Tree-Ho!

Alain Pierre - guitars / Felix Zurstrassen - bass / Antoine Pierre - drums

Tree-Ho! is the father (Alain Pierre) with guitars, the son (Antoine Pierre) on drums and a friend of the son (Félix Zurstrassen) on bass.
From the palpable emotion of the album’s self-titled piece ("Aaron & Allen"), performed solo, to the impressionist tapestry of "Joyful Breath", there is enough to listen to each theme and each improvisation which passes, but also the sumptuous textures whose alchemy is very mysterious. We feel how the subtle alloy of sounds has been the subject of a real reflection: each composition is a surprise that invariably ends in delight as the richness of detail and nuances is attractive.
A music that looks a lot like its interpreters: accomplice and radiant of life!

Photo : Arnaud Ghys

10€ full price / 8€ members, students, job seekers.
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